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It was that guy from elementary school named C****. They started to chat with him, pretending to be the perfect guy to take care of his sissy needs and promised to give the sissy a noght to never forget. After 2 weeks they made this sissy want to meet eachother, what the sissy didnt know is that they are his old elementary school buddies who lives in the ghetto waiting for his sissy ass. their names is: jeromy, Mike, Jamal, Greg and they are black except Geg is white.-The Sissy"he" was white,. "Just a warning," he muttered, and went back inside. Back toBrenda. Back to my lovely ex-best friend. Brenda obviously wasoblivious of Andy's treatment of me. But she sure hadn'tprotested when I left. As I began the long, long walk home, I reflected. Brenda was alovely girl. Why would she be romantically interested in a guylike me? I was a nerd, weak, non-handsome, a wimp. She obviouslywanted a powerhouse like Andy, someone who could me a real man.This I told myself over and over again. But by. "So you've done this before?" Oh... yes... whenever I need money real BAD, miss."I regarded her thoughtfully. "And what need could youpossibly have that would justify this?"She turned her arms up and I saw the lines of needletracks.I sighed. "Close your eyes, Barb," I said. "This may stinga little."She gave me a pale smile and, turning her head just a bitto present her jugular in an advantageous position, sheobediently closed her eyes and...I drank. Her blood was unbelievably intoxicating. “She’s going through some stuff.”“We’re all going through some ‘stuff’,” I countered. “You, me, the rest of the world. It doesn’t give us license to act like assholes to everybody else. If she wants to sing her songs in Dallas, she can book a fucking show like you did. If she doesn’t want to eat what I’m serving, she can stop on her way home. You know that’s the rule!”Liz laughed and gave me a one-armed hug (because she had a guitar slung on her back).“I know,” she said. “But ... the rumors.
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